Meet our experts- Sheikh Abubaker Yahia

Sheikh Abubaker Yahia

Expertise: Islamic Financial Advisory, Shari’a Audit & Assurance

Sheikh Abubaker Yahia holds an Executive Master’s degree of Islamic Finance from CIBAFI (The General Council for Islamic Banks and Financial Institutions)- Bahrain. 

He is also a PhD researcher in Economics and Transactions (Muamalat) at USIM University in Malaysia. Moreover, he is a Certified Sharia Advisor and Auditor (CSAA) by the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Banks and Financial Institutions (AAOIFI)- Bahrain. 

He holds a high degree in Islamic law (Jurisprudence and its Usul) from Iman University in Yemen and a Bachelor’s degree in Islamic Studies – University of Science and Technology in Yemen. 

He is also a Member of the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Banks and Financial Institutions (AAOIFI), Bahrain.

Sheikh Abubaker Yahia’s previous work experience include working as Shari’a Auditor and Controller at Qatar International Islamic Bank and Islamic financing company- AL-Tasheelat in Qatar for ten years. 

He is currently the President of the Civilization Vision Foundation in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Vice-Chairman of the Sharia Supervisory Board of IHYA, Turkey.

Sheikh Abubaker has many Sharia scientific licenses (ijazah) in the Qur’an, jurisprudence and hadith. He was taught by a group of senior scholars, jurists and Usul Scholars, including:

– Sheikh Muhammad bin Ismail Al-Omrani – Mufti of Yemen.

– The jurist, the Usul Scholar, Dr. Abd Al-Karim Zidane, may God have mercy on him.

-The Usul Scholar and jurist Sheikh Hassan Al-Ahdal, may God have mercy on him.

– Sheikh Al-Faqih (the Jurist) * Muhaddith Muhammad Al-Hassan Wald Al-Dado, may God protect him

– And other esteemed Sharia scholars.

Sheikh Abubaker has extensive experience in the field of specialized academic training and teaching.He is also an author and researcher, with many scientific writings and specialized researches. Among those are:

Banking Tawarruq, is it a problem or a solution?

The lease (Ijara) contract and the identification of the lease amount in Islamic jurisprudence.

A summary of the jurisprudence of transactions ( Fiqh Al Muamalat ) from Ibn Rushd’s book “The Beginning of the Mujtahid and the End of the Moqtasid”

What charitable institutions may take from the funds of alms and Zakat for administrative expenses and employee salaries.
Policies and procedures for protection from retail financing risk and the related legal provisions – an applied study on Islamic Banks in Qatar.

Documentary credits in Islamic banks.
Banking transactions between halal and haram.