Our Capabilities

Corporate Finance and Financial Services:

Our team has the necessary networks and experience to meet you and your business’s corporate finance requirements.

We advise on all aspects of buying, selling and raising money for businesses including lead advisory, due diligence, valuations, financial modelling and tax structuring.

Whether raising funds, acquiring, merging, restructuring or selling, our experience and expertise in transactional services enables us to meet all the challenges your business may face throughout its life cycle.

You will get complete guidance and consultation regarding insurance, investment, and other sectors from our platform.

Islamic financial advisory:

Islamic financial advisory services include the full range of UrCunsult’s capabilities, which are combined with deep Islamic financial expertise that enables us to provide corporate finance services with an appreciation for the requirements of Islamic Sharia.

UrCunsult provides financial advisory services for the establishment of Islamic financial institutions in coordination with all concerned parties. It also arranges Islamic transactions and follows up their implementation in accordance with Islamic frameworks.

Activities include: defining the deal, evaluating the deal, structuring deals to meet the requirements of Islamic law and the interests of both parties, negotiating terms and clauses, preparing documents, following up on financing from inception to payment, in addition to arranging full storage and safe custody.

We will help you choose the best Islamic formula (Musharaka, Murabaha, Mudaraba, Ijarah, Istisna), and also helps to structure companies from traditional and commercial to become Islamic.

We offer comprehensive lead advisory and transaction support services that encompass the full range of buy-side, sell-side and valuation activities. We identify Sharia’a issues relating to transactions and manage them to a successful resolution.

From deal origination to post transaction integration, our services are delivered with Sharia’a related issues being proactively managed.

Shari’a Audit & Assurance:

The Sharia audit service includes reviewing transactions, products and financial data on a regular basis annually and using a professional methodology. The Sharia audit team prepares work programs and defines mission objectives in light of the Sharia controls and standards issued by the institution’s Shari’a Supervisory Board, taking into account the details related to risk management and compliance management reports.

Shari’a Control Advisory:

Providing Shari’a and economic advisory to individuals and institutions.

Auditing and comprehensive review of contracts and transactions.

Preparing internal legal oversight bodies.

Auditing financing structures and documents in accordance with Shari’a regulations.

Providing services to traditional institutions wishing to switch to work in accordance with the provisions of Sharia.

Calculation of zakat for institutions at the end of the year.

Developing the moral and behavioral level of employees.

Management of arbitration and dispute resolution processes for individuals and institutions, this point is arranged with each institution separately, according to needs.

Business Advisory:

We work closely with our clients to set their visions, plan their operations, and support them practically throughout their journey.

UrCunsult serve as professional advisors to help companies achieve their goals or streamline operations in a particular area of the business, such as sales, IT, finance, marketing, supply chain management, HR, operations, engineering, and security.

Healthcare services and healthcare management:

UrCunsult helps organizations navigate the common challenges facing the industry, such as challenges associated with balancing patient care with normal business operations, and creating the best healthcare management strategies.

Our role is to optimize efficiency, revenue generation, and structural improvements.

Education and TVET Advisory:

We provide education strategy consulting services to related organizations, including governments, non-profits, foundations, education publishers, digital learning providers, corporate universities, private equity firms, sovereign wealth funds, and early care providers.

Our education experts help organizations and institutions set a bold ambition, cultivate talent, and deliver proven technology and innovation initiatives, all while managing costs.

We also provide TVET Advisory for Regulatory Bodies, Institutes, Colleges and Schools on including:

  • Policy framework and guidelines
  • Aligning curriculum & content with international standard 
  • Training Methodology for manufacturing and service sectors
  • Competency based Assessments
  • Skills value chain

Compliance Advisory 

We can help you:

  • Evaluate the effectiveness of existing compliance policies and procedures;
  • Identify, verify, and even prevent breaches of regulatory requirements;
  • Provide advice on design of the compliance function and, when appropriate, assists with the design and implementation of specific reporting systems, process requirements, and compliance programs, including training approaches;
  • Keep track of regulatory developments and avoid last minute rush to compliance;
  • Take a proactive approach to compliance by assisting you in breaking into new markets and identifying new businesses/new products that may arise from the regulatory developments.

Quality Management Consulting:

UrCunsult services provide a broad range of advisory services, support, or technical talent to help an organization achieve successful project outcomes in quality initiatives related to compliance, certification with quality standards, quality management systems software, training, and more.

Development Studies and Social studies research:

Our team will:

  • Conduct theoretical, field research and social studies on issues, phenomena and social problems in Sudan and the countries of the Horn of Africa.
  • List the issues and social problems that preoccupy organizations and civil society, study it and suggest solutions.
  • Conduct evaluation research to identify the shortcomings in the various community programs.
  • Provide scientific and technical advisory services to public and private social institutions to improve and develop their services.
  • Here are the sectors in which we are offering our social research and studies services: 
  • Capacity Building

Researches and studies related to develop and strength the skills, talents, capabilities, procedures and resources that organizations and societies need to survive, adapt and thrive in a rapidly changing world.

  • Monitoring and Evaluation

Measure the extent to which the actual implementation of project activities matches the planned goals, as well as measuring the impact from the implementation of project activities on the target communities. The evaluation process is carried out by external or internal evaluators or by participation evaluation at the various stages and levels of the project in terms of the method of preparation of the project, how to assess community needs, planning project activities, method of application and use.


  • Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies

Conflict and Peace studies fall within the circle of social sciences and are concerned with the identification and analysis of violent and nonviolent behaviors as well as the structural mechanisms of conflicts (including social conflicts) and aims to understand those processes that lead to a better human condition.

  • Labor, skills assessment, and employment

Represents a study or type of analysis to better understand the functioning of the labour market as a whole or along specific dimensions. The assessments can take many different forms. For instance, the purpose of analysis can include:

  • Understanding the general functioning of the labour market by looking at broad employment indicators.
  • Understanding all or selected components and influencing factors of the labour market related to either the supply, demand or matching side of the labour market. 
  • Understanding specific labour market dimensions of interest, such as sectors, local markets, skills needs, target groups, or institutional environment in order to diagnose the concrete barriers and opportunities that can in turn guide concrete interventions.
  • Food security and livelihood

Providing studies and research that help the concerned authorities in responding to disasters and crises that can inflict heavy losses on people’s food security and livelihoods, and may increase people’s social and economic vulnerability, which in turn affects their ability to deal with future shocks and pressures.

  • Policy analysis and advocacy

An analysis that seeks to describe and analyze the issues and problems arising from public policies and monitor the results of these policies on society and the state, we provide basic information, options and available alternatives, in order to deal with these problems.

  • Child protection

Our role is to support the efforts of humanitarian workers in order to achieve effective and high-quality interventions to protect children in various humanitarian situations, whether among refugees or non-refugees.

  • Refugees and internally displaced individuals

We conduct research that seeks to protect the human rights of returnees and internally displaced persons on several levels, namely during the period of displacement itself, in preparation for return to the homeland, during the return process, after return and during the period of reintegration.

  • Women’s empowerment and gender studies

Help businesses, communities and groups in implementing or evaluating the programs and policies that adopt the notion of women empowerment which enhances the quality of human resources available for development.

Engineering consultancy and Project / Program Management 

UrCunsult Engineering professionals are committed to providing our valued clients with innovative, cost-effective design and construction solutions, within budget and time parameters. 

UrCunsult Engineering professionals are renowned for their expertise in project management—a strength that allows UR CONSULT to offer optimal project delivery solutions to a vast and varied clientele with different requirements

UrCunsult Engineering professionals are experienced in the programming and design of various built environment features such as industrial, public health, residential, hospitality commercial and mission critical facilities; as well as existing facilities conditioning assessment.

UrCunsult Engineering professional consultancy approach is built on a system that involves all participants working together towards an optimal integrated solution that addresses all project aspects. Underscoring our work is a rare yet genuine commitment towards sustainable, energy-efficient projects. We provide unparalleled large Engineering firm expertise with the agility and responsiveness of your inhouse engineering team.

Our Engineering Consultancy Services includes:

  • Feasibility Studies
  • Building Conditioning Assessments
  • Architectural and Landscape Design
  • Structural and Civil Engineering
  • Building Services (MEP)
  • Fire Protection Engineering
  • Interior Design 
  • Infrastructure Engineering
  • Sustainability design and Certification (LEED)
  • Project Management and Construction Management (PM/CM)
  • Commissioning implementation and support.
  • District Cooling Engineering
  • Solar Photovoltaic System Engineering
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Water and Wastewater Engineering